Training Needs Identification and Design Course

Training Needs Identification & Design is an important part of the Train the Trainer suite of courses.

This 3-day course focuses on the first 2 stages of the Training Cycle, identifying training needs and designing the most fitting training programmes to meet these needs.

Participants will become familiar with the concepts and theories of training, and learn how to create training objectives and design a training session.

  • 3 Days
  • €449
  • Live Online
  • QQI Level 6
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Safeguard Your Training Investment

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Training Needs Identification & Design Course

Who is this course for?

This course is attended by those who wish to become a professional trainer, as the skills covered here are needed by well-rounded training professionals.

Other participants include HR professionals and managers, whose role requires them to identify training needs for staff, and sometimes design in-house training sessions.

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5 Benefits of this Training Needs Identification and Design Course

  1. Get Best-Practice Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Skills

    Knowing how to conduct a training needs analysis successfully is a crucial skill for every trainer.

    We devote an entire module of this course to understanding TNA and equipping you with tried and proven approaches to carrying one out correctly.

  2. Know How to Design Impactful Training Sessions

    As its name suggests, a sizeable portion of this course is dedicated to techniques for designing engaging and impactful training sessions.

    We cover design of training objectives, session content, and accompanying exercises and materials.

  3. Gain Advice and Feedback from Experts

    Our trainers bring their extensive experience both designing and delivering training to each course we run.

    Learn from industry experts and get advice on creating the most effective training programmes for your future trainees.

  4. Achieve a Respected QQI Level 6 Certification

    When working in a training role of any kind, it is important to possess a relevant and recognised qualification.

    QQI awards are known and respected by employers throughout Ireland and farther afield.

  5. Progress to a Special Purpose Award

    Those who successfully complete Training Needs Identification and Design are halfway towards achieving the QQI Special Purpose Award in Training and Development.

    This award is a wise move for anyone who wants to specialise in training or simply round out their capabilities.

    Learn more

Course Overview

What are the Objectives of this Training Needs Identification and Design Course?

There are 5 main objectives for this programme. Upon completing training, participants will:

  1. Be familiar with elements that can impact training.
  2. Understand important Instructional System Design (ISD) Models
  3. Be confident in carrying out a training needs analysis
  4. Possess best practice training design capabilities
  5. Feel prepared for their QQI assessment work
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Training Needs Identification & Design is QQI certified at Level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). It is a recognised and respected certification within the training industry.

You can read more about this award in our PDF brochure and the “Getting Certified” tab.

Delivery Style

We offer Training Needs Identification and Design in both public and in-company formats.

Public Courses

Public courses are available for everyone to attend. We have 3 – 4 scheduled course dates per year.

Our public courses are delivered online in a “live virtual classroom” format.

This means that you’ll get a classroom experience online – live delivery by our expert trainers, the ability to interact with the trainer and your classmates, all from wherever you are located.

In-Company Courses

In-company training format refers to delivery to a group of participants from just one organisation. This style of training is suitable for companies of all sizes and industries.

We can deliver in-company training in either live virtual or on-site format. For on-site delivery, we come to your location or a venue you choose.

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Getting Started

You can ask us anything about this course by getting in touch online or by phone. Use the “Ask a Question” button to contact us online or call us at Freephone 1800 910 810.

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Course Content

What is covered during this Training Needs Identification and Design Course?

Over the course of 3 days, we focus on the skills you need to be able to determine training needs accurately and use your findings to design the right training programme for your trainees.

Here is a very high-level overview of each module. We recommend downloading our PDF course brochure for a more detailed look at what is covered.

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Module 1: Training Concepts

  • This module is a foundation for each of the other modules.
  • We begin by focusing on key principles of adult learning and training. In module one, we also examine training and development’s place for both organisations and individuals.

Module 2: ISD (Instructional System Design) Models

Instructional Design Models offer guidelines that will inform how you construct your training programmes.

In module two, we cover some of the most prominent ISD models, such as:

  • Honey & Mumford Adult Learning Styles
  • Kolb’s Adult Learning Cycle
  • Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation

Module 3: Factors Impacting Training

  • When determining training needs and designing sessions, it is essential to understand the influential factors that can impact the training.
  • In the third module, we review some of the most influential factors and examine barriers that can may occur.

Module 4: Training Needs Analysis Skills (TNA)

  • Understanding how to carry out an accurate TNA is a key skill for any trainer.
  • In module 4, we review the different stages of a TNA and cover a selection of techniques for conducting your analysis.

Module 5: Training Design Skills

Once you have gathered information at the TNA stage, you are ready to begin designing.

Our final module covers a broad range of training design skills, such as:

  • Creating training objectives
  • Designing training to incorporate a cost benefit analysis
  • Design factors to include in your sessions
  • Creating appropriate supportive exercises
  • Developing engaging training content

Learn More and Save a Space

You can view all upcoming dates by clicking the “Course Schedule” button here. Select your preferred date and save a provisional space.

Training Needs Identification and Design only runs 3 or 4 times a year and tends to fill up far in advance. We recommend saving a space early.

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Getting Certified

About This Training Needs Identification and Design Award

Training Needs Identification and Design is part of our Train the Trainer suite of courses. It is regularly completed alongside its sister course, Training Delivery and Evaluation.

Here are some quick details about the award:

Award Details

How to Achieve Your Award

  1. Step 1: Attend Training

    Our 3-day course runs from 9.30am until 5.00pm each day.

    Participants can connect easily online via our live virtual classroom platform. We will provide all participants with advice and guidance on connecting to online training in advance.

  2. Step 2: Complete Self-Directed Learning

    Self-directed learning is completed during and after training. It is often combined with preparation for assessment work.

    It can incorporate further reading, relevant podcasts and online seminars, research, and study.

  3. Step 3: Complete and Submit Assessment Work

    You are given 8 weeks to complete and submit your assessment work once training has been completed.

    Your assessment is comprised of 3 written elements: a project and two assignments. We will provide plenty of guidance and support for your assessment work.

Getting Started

You can find more information on this award and getting certified in our course brochure.

Download your PDF copy and read about this qualification, certification, and progression options.

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Answers to the Most-Asked Training Needs Identification and Design Questions

  • Do I need experience to attend this course?

    No previous experience is needed. This course is suitable for all levels of training experience, including complete beginners.

  • What can I expect from this course?

    This is an intensive, 3-day course covering a broad spectrum of training theory, training needs analysis knowledge, and training design skills.

    Following training, you will need to complete self-directed learning and written assessment work. You will have 8 weeks to complete your assessment work. We provide plenty of supportive guidance for your assessment.

  • What certification will I achieve?

    This course and its associated assessments lead to a QQI award in Training Needs Identification and Design.

    It is a minor award at level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications. The award earns 15 credits, which can be contributed towards a major award.

    The award code is 6N3325.

  • How do I get certified?

    Certification is achieved through course attendance, self-directed learning, and assessment work.

    The assessment work is made up of 3 written elements:

    – a project

    – written assignment 1

    – written assignment 2

    We provide you with a detailed assessment brief and guidance from your trainer to support your assessment work.

  • Is this a Train the Trainer course?

    The Train the Trainer award itself no longer exists under that name, but most people continue to call QQI awards dealing with this subject “Train the Trainer”.

    Training Needs Identification and Design covers two important steps of the training cycle, a central focus of the original Train the Trainer.

    Therefore, we include Training Needs Identification & Design in our suite of “Train the Trainer” courses.

  • Who delivers this course?

    This course is delivered by trainers who have:

    – plenty of real-world experience delivering training

    – professional training qualifications

    Our past students always note the course trainer as one of the highlights of their training experience.

  • How is this course delivered?

    This course is delivered online in real time. This means that you can connect to a classroom style experience from wherever you are located.

    Download our course brochure to read more on our live virtual delivery style.

  • When is this course running?

    We run Training Needs Identification and Design 3 – 4 times per year.

    You can view all upcoming scheduled dates and save your space provisionally using the “Course Schedule” button below.

Did we miss your question?

If you have any other questions about Training Needs Identification and Design or any of our courses, we would love to hear from you.

You can ask a question online or call one of our training consultants directly on Freephone 1800 910 810.

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Training Needs Identification and Design Course Brochure

Download your Training Needs Identification and Design brochure

Download our PDF Training Needs Identification and Design brochure for more in-depth information about this course, including:

  • Training objectives
  • Delivery styles available
  • Detailed course content
  • QQI progression options
  • In-company training for teams

We will also get in touch with our upcoming course dates and answer any questions you have.

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  • No obligation & No credit card required.
  • We can hold Reserved Places for a maximum of 2 working days.
  • Places are not confirmed until full payment has been received

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